> OBSESSED: Beauty Product Disappointment

May 29, 2015

Beauty Product Disappointment

Cuando vi este delineador me enamore. Con una punta cual fibron, accesible, y prometedor, fue un flechazo. Lamentablemente me decepcione muchisimo al usarlo. Vieron la ultima foto? Bueno, para conseguir ese negro (que tampoco es tan negro) tuve que aplicar el delineador varias veces, 4 o 5.
Yo no lo recomiendo, pero aca les dejo mi lista de pros y contras para que ustedes tomen su decision.

  • Bajo precio. Me costo literalmente 6 dolares.
  • Trae una cantidad abundante.
  • La punta. Se puede tener mas precision y es muy comoda.
  • El color no es negro, queda como un negro gastado, como si lo hubieras tenido puesto por todo un dia, aunque te lo hayas puesto recien.
  • La punta es demasiado finita. No me malentiendan, me encantan los delineadores con punta finita, pero este es demasiado fino!
  • Dura muy poco. Yo amo hacerme winged eyes, y a las dos horas desaparec y queda como un delineado incompleto.
Yo no soy ninguna experta en maquillaje, tengo muy pocos productos, necesito aprender muchisimo, pero les dejo mi humilde opinion. Lo aclaro para que sepan que no me creo superior en este tema, ni si quiera me creo apta para hacer un review, pero me decepcione con este delineador y queria que ustedes lo tengan en mente cuando lo vean en la tienda.
Este post es muy diferente a los que usualmente publico, pero me gusta que en mi blog puedan encontrar de todo, me gusta crecer y cambiar, me gusta probar todo. A ustedes les gustan este tipo de post? Cuentenme, hay algun producto que las haya decepcionado ultimamente?
Espero que les haya gustado el post!
Mucho amor para ustedes!

When I first saw this eyeliner I fell in love. It's like a marker and that's what I was looking for and it was affordable. Unfortunately I'm very disappointed with it. See that last picture? To get that shade of black I had to do 4 o 5 coats of liner! 
Well, I really don't recommend this to you guys, but here are my pros and cons so you can get me.


  • It's very affordable. Literally, it was 6 dollars.
  • It brings a lot of product. It's a good abundant quantity.
  • It has a marker tip, so it's comfortable and you can be very accurate with it.
  • The color is not black. You have to line your eyes a lot of times to get a normal black color.
  • The tip is very thin, it's accurate, I like thin eyeliners but this one is very thin! 
  • It doesn't last long. I like winged eyes and with this liner, the wing disappears after a couple hours.
This is my humble opinion, I really (really) don't know a single thing about make up, I don't even own a lot of products, I have zero experience. I clear this up because I don't feel superior in this area, I don't think I'm even capable of giving a great review on beauty products, but I share this with you so you can draw your own conclusions, so when you see this liner at the store you think about what I wrote here, I got very disappointed with this and I didn't want you to be disappointed as well.
I'm not used to doing this kind of posts, but I like my blog to change, to grow, I love to try new stuff. I am and always will be a fashion blogger, but I like that you can find a great variety of topics and posts in my blog. What do you think? Tell me, what are some products that disappointed you lately?
Hope you've enjoyed the post!
Lots of love!